LL1943 / LL1933 SUT PCB V02 – Balanced option

After a long time, decided to update the PCB of the LL1943 SUT to provide extra flexibility on the grounding connection. This is in essence to ensure no ground loops and noise when either using balanced or un-balanced cabling from the cartridge into the PCB:

LL1943: note the additional jumpers added

The additional jumpers are in line with the recommendations from the Datasheet. Here is the diagram:

For a fixed connection (like in most of the cases once preamp has been tuned/optimised) you can replace the jumpers by solid core wire jumpers soldered to the pad for best connection and performance.

This PCB is also for the LL1933. Basically is the same SUT but with 1+1:8+8 instead of 1+1:16+16 windings.

I made a small batch (I won’t need more than 2 or 4! myself) so the remaining will go on first-come-first-serve basis.

New Lundahl distributor in UK

I’m pleased to see Big Bear Audio to start the distribution of the Lundahl transformers in the UK. I’ve got my first order and everything went really smooth. A fantastic service from Big Bear Audio.

Highly recommended, Big Bear Audio is now my new iron supplier!
